info@vhn.org030 - 693 00 40
English  Deutsch

Verduurzaamd Hout Nederland

The VHN is the association of companies in the wood treatment business. Members are mainly companies applying CPI (chemical pressure impregnation) and suppliers of preservatives. Nevertheless the association is open for companies using methods like dip treatment , TMT (thermally modified timber) and CMT (chemically modified timber). A prerequest is that production and product fulfill quality standards comparable to CPI. Such is necessary as VHN stands for the production and use of qualified products that meet the expectations of the end user in terms of durability and environment.

As the site is in the Dutch language you may consider to proceed to 'VHN ledenlijst' where you can find the members and their contact details.

If any question raise, please do not hesitate to contact us: click on 'Contact' and you’ll find the details.